Awww yeah! Penguin and ladybug? No one doesn't like that. Anyways, so we spent the night "scaring" little kids and giving out candy. Ah, to be a kid again....
However, the big, bad story is...................
I got a new job.
That's right. Your beloved blog writer has achieved the highly coveted new job of Blog Writer at a giant, super sick company (I promise I am not cheating on you guys. I will be writing this blog for, like, evs, so no worries there). I start in two weeks and I couldn't be more
I had to break the news to my job this morning. It was horrible. For all intents and purposes, I loved my current job. Sure, there were issues - which is why I went a-hunting for new one - but it doesn't make anything easier.
I mean, I'm over-the-moon excited for my new job. Seriously, blog writing? For a JOB? Yes please! But I had to tell people - who I have conned into liking me - that I was leaving, and I got a new awesome job, and everything was coming up Pharon. But I unexpectedly got all sentimental over the coffee maker and Kitchen Cleaning schedule. Honestly? Weepy-eyed.
That's the trouble with changing jobs. All the good parts of an old job become crystal clear. Everyone loves you, and will miss you, and won't know what to do without you. And so for a little bit, I got scared to do the whole "Listen, it's not you, it's me. I need to grow and blah blah blah." I was all "No way! This place is comfortable, and I know the rules of the bathrooms and whether or not I can wear my ear buds at work! I can't leave all this behind!"
But then I got over it and remembered how awesome the job would be. Did I mention that I will be writing? For a living?! You couldn't color me a happier color.
Despite the fact that I was ecstatic to land my new job, I still couldn't shake the feeling that I have to say goodbye to an old job. And if we could bring the house lights down and get serious for a moment, I just want to say one thing. I'll dearly miss some of the best people in the world at my old job. There were people who made me laugh, who let me vent to them, and who commiserated with me when I couldn't handle it anymore. They make life fun and interesting. Sure, I'll probably replace you in a few weeks with new people (ha!), but for now, you are my guiding lights. I'm nervous that I won't meet anyone as cool as them at my new job, though.
Actually, I'm nervous for a bazillion things. Will anyone care about Kim and Kris getting divorced? Does anyone worry about whether or not my nieces are going to redecorate their room? Where is the closest candy dish? And, most importantly, how do these pants really look on me? These are all helpful relationships that I need to re-cultivate.
So, yes. I'm leaving my current job for a different job. I'm scared, nervous, excited, stoked, petrified, and a zillion other emotions. I want to do a good job. I want to be the best damn blog writer they've ever seen. I want to be friendly and fun and smart, but I'm kind of worried I'll be b!tchy and boring and dumb. I think all that comes with starting a new job (at least I hope I'm not alone here).
Okay, if you guys could do me a solid and just flood my email and comments with words about how awesome I am and how lucky the New Job is to have me, I think it would help loads. Even though I'm pumped beyond belief, I could use the superficial shows of encouragement. So yeah, go ahead and give me your BEST New Job advice. I mean, I probably won't need it because I'm super awesome and totally fun, know, just in case...
Love you guys!!